Sunday, July 13, 2008

Headbands R Us


Clarissa said, "Kaela, wants to do her own hair and won't let me brush it."  I couldn't believe it. Kaela has always loved getting her hair put into braids to look pretty for her daddy. When they arrived on their next visit I had a hair stylin' kit ready for her. Complete with headbands and a brush and comb set  just her size. Doing her own hair was serious business. She brushed it and put headbands on in a specific order.


Talk about De-Ja-Vu. Her mommy loved wearing 3 or 4 headbands at a young age as well. We  complemented her on her fashion sense.


After her hair styling experience drained her, she relaxed with her feet on  an ottoman (or should I say- she relaxed with her feet on  a container filled with headbands, barrettes, brush and comb...).  She wouldn't let the container out of her sight.

I love being a grandmother. It simply is TOOOO FUNNNN!!!!