Sunday, July 13, 2008

Megan TAGGED me-Here's my RESPONSE:

What are 5 things on your TO DO list?

1. Read scriptures and pray

2. Walk daily and don't forget to bowflex

3. Practice piano

4. Update journals

5. Keep grandchildren's books current

Name 5 snacks you love:

Not in any particular order: Snickers, Look, Payday, Almond Joy candy bars and anything German Chocolate (pie, cake...)

Name 5 things you would do if you suddenly became a Millionaire:

1. Pay tithing

2. Buy 6 ranches (I guess we all know who they'd be for.)

3. Buy my husband whatever car he would want.

4. Go on several missions.

5. Save the rest of the money so I can travel to visit my children and go on great vacations with the family.

Name 5 places you have lived:

1. Covina, California (birth place and childhood)

2. Pomona, California

3. Provo, Utah

4. Azusa, California

5. Visalia, California

Name 5 jobs you have had:

1. Babysitter (I had to split my 0.50 an hour with my twin.)

2. Donut shop (1.25 hourly wage)

3.Waitress at Bob's Big Boy (California)

    and Marie Callendars (Utah)

4. Back office nurse at Doctor Reed's office

5. Emergency Room admitting clerk

Name 5 things people don't know about you:

1. I've always wanted to be able to sing beautifully and perform with confidence.

2. Equally important is being able to play the piano. I long for the talent to just sit down at the piano and play any piece of music.

3. Probably more important than singing and playing the piano is being able to tango with the best of them. That's right- I would love to be Fred Astaire's dancing partner. Heck, I'll settle for just being able to dance with just a little rhythm.

4. In high school I wanted to be as popular as my twin sister,Sharon.

5. I know it seems silly, but I had always wanted to be like Sharon, she was always so confident. In order to be like her, I thought I'd need  a great smile like Clarissa's, or a small waistline like Megan's, or .... yes, the list keeps going. One day I resolved that I was the best I could be and that was good enough for me. I am finally comfortable in my own skin. That is a good feeling. It only took 50 years to get there but I'm there.

Okay, tag. You're it- Elle.

Headbands R Us


Clarissa said, "Kaela, wants to do her own hair and won't let me brush it."  I couldn't believe it. Kaela has always loved getting her hair put into braids to look pretty for her daddy. When they arrived on their next visit I had a hair stylin' kit ready for her. Complete with headbands and a brush and comb set  just her size. Doing her own hair was serious business. She brushed it and put headbands on in a specific order.


Talk about De-Ja-Vu. Her mommy loved wearing 3 or 4 headbands at a young age as well. We  complemented her on her fashion sense.


After her hair styling experience drained her, she relaxed with her feet on  an ottoman (or should I say- she relaxed with her feet on  a container filled with headbands, barrettes, brush and comb...).  She wouldn't let the container out of her sight.

I love being a grandmother. It simply is TOOOO FUNNNN!!!!