Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hearst Castle Feb 2010

Hearst Castle is right off the ocean. It was a misty day.

Autumn and Clarissa went with me. It was sooooo fun.

I wish it weren't so overcast and rainy. This picture of the castle doesn't do it justice; it is enormous.

This is the famous outdoor Greek Goddess pool.

There at statutes all over inside and outside the castle.

This is a beautiful fireplace but my camera ran out of juice.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

32nd Anniversary March 25, 2010

Making her shine before she gets on the raceway.

Notice the "32," it is representing our 32nd anniversary. I gave Steve a trip to Laguna Seca to drive his car on the world famous track .

Some people take "driving" on the track very seriously. Notice the guy sporting the beige racing suit.

The straight a way. His car sounded like a real race car...varooooooom!!!!!

Coming out of the corkscrew. He looks so professional.

We had such a great day.

The next day we went to Monterrey and had a wonderful breakfast at Schooners. That's the ocean in the background.

After eating, we went window shopping. I cracked up when I saw a Harley Davidson shirt with a macaw riding a Harley bike. What a perfect souvenir.